About the Wellness Coordinator

Dale W. Zink has been in education for over 40 years and in wellness education for nearly half of that time.  He was a classroom teacher for a quarter of a century before he became a counselor and started working with students one on one and in small groups.  Mr. Zink has worked with students from the 3rd grade to the community college level, from learning disabilities to the distinguished honors program, from reality therapy to substance abuse prevention, and has helped save many lives.  He currently works as an adjunct administrator at Belleville High School District #201 as Wellness Coordinator and LifeSaver Administrator and as the Illinois Department of Transportation Grant Coordinator for Southwestern Illinois College in the prevention of teen drinking and driving, reduction of older youth DUI’s, cell phone usage while driving, distraction driving and seat belt awareness.  Dale Zink has his A.S., B.S. M.S. C.Ed., and Ed.S. in education and is a published author and the recipient of the prestigious Generation of Success Award given by Southwestern Illinois College,  Voices Against Family Violence 2005, Dignity Memorial Broken Hearts Program DUI Hero Award 2005, and In-Touch PSA 16 Distinguished Service Prevention Award 2000.